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  • kmathison6

Toward a Reformed Apologetics

I haven't posted much on this blog site in the last year. I had a number of other things on my plate. One such project was a new book related to apologetics. I'm happy to announce that aside from some final rounds of editing, that book is finished and will be published in November. As you can see from the cover, the book is a critique of the apologetic system of Cornelius Van Til. In the five chapters of Part One, I have attempted to explain as clearly and concisely as possible exactly what Van Til is saying. In the five chapters of Part Two, I have explained my remaining biblical, philosophical, theological, historical, and practical concerns with Van Til's system of thought. An Appendix contains a brief work by Franciscus Junius never before translated into English. It's a rather obscure topic, but I hope those interested in that topic will find something helpful in the book.

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